The CEIS Research Papers Series collects research activities, both by researchers and affiliates of CEIS, and those distributed through the Social Science Research Network - SSRN. Over 8000 world-wide subscribers currently receive an alert every two weeks, which contains three new research papers. To receive this alert you may subscribe to SSRN, which started in February 2003.

ISSN 2610-931X [online]

Papers are available on SSRN and RePEc websites.

On Private Communication in Competing Mechanism Games

Attar Andrea, Campioni Eloisa, Piaser Gwenael,
CEIS Research Paper, 421, December 2017

Are Perceptions of Corruption Matching Reality? Theory and Evidence from Microdata

Corrado Germana, Corrado Luisa, De Michele Giuseppe, Salustri Francesco,
CEIS Research Paper, 420, December 2017

Motivating Whistleblowers

Butler Jeffrey V., Serra Danila, Spagnolo Giancarlo,
CEIS Research Paper, 419, December 2017

Against All Odds: The Contribution of the Healthcare Sector to Productivity. Evidence from Italy and UK from 2004 to 2011

Atella Vincenzo, Belotti Federico, Bojke Chris, Castelli Adriana, Grašič Katja, Kopinska Joanna, Piano Mortari Andrea, Street Andrew,
CEIS Research Paper, 418, December 2017

Modelling Crypto-Currencies Financial Time-Series

Catania Leopoldo, Grassi Stefano,
CEIS Research Paper, 417, December 2017

Can HIV alter the quantity-quality switch and delay the fertility transition in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Gori Luca, Lupi Enrico, Manfredi Piero, Sodini Mauro,
CEIS Research Paper, 416, December 2017

Memory and Markets

Kovbasyuk Sergei, Spagnolo Giancarlo,
CEIS Research Paper, 415, December 2017

Synchronicity of Real and Financial Cycles and Structural Characteristics in EU Countries

Comunale Mariarosaria,
CEIS Research Paper, 414, September 2017

The Contributions of Betas versus Characteristics to the ESG Premium

Ciciretti Rocco, D'Alò Ambrogio, Dam Lammertjan,
CEIS Research Paper, 413, December 2019

Hours Worked in Selected OECD Countries: an Empirical Assessment

Atella Vincenzo, Carbonari Lorenzo, Sam Paola,
CEIS Research Paper, 412, July 2017

Can the Private Sector Ensure the Public Interest? Evidence from Federal Procurement

Giuffrida Leonardo M., Rovigatti Gabriele,
CEIS Research Paper, 411, July 2017

A Durbin-Levinson Regularized Estimator of High Dimensional Autocovariance Matrices

Proietti Tommaso , Giovannelli Alessandro,
CEIS Research Paper, 410, July 2017

On the Role of Menus in Sequential Contracting: a Multiple Lending Example

Attar Andrea, Casamatta Catherine, Chassagnon Arnold, Décamps Jean Paul,
CEIS Research Paper, 409, July 2017

Long-run Unemployment and Macroeconomic Volatility

Fasani Stefano,
CEIS Research Paper, 408, July 2017

“De (Corporate Responsibility) Gustibus Est Misurandum”: Heterogeneity and Consensus Around CR Indicators

Becchetti Leonardo, Semplici Lorenzo, Tridente Michele,
CEIS Research Paper, 407, July 2017

Unconventional monetary policy: interest rates and low inflation. A review of literature and methods

Comunale Mariarosaria, Striaukas Jonas,
CEIS Research Paper, 406, May 2017

The future of Long Term Care in Europe. An investigation using a dynamic microsimulation model

Atella Vincenzo, Belotti Federico, Carrino Ludovico, Piano Mortari Andrea,
CEIS Research Paper, 405, May 2017

Teaching an old dog a new trick: reserve price and unverifiable quality in repeated procurement

Albano Gian Luigi, Cesi Berardino, Iozzi Alberto,
CEIS Research Paper, 404, May 2017

Private Information and Insurance Rejections: A Comment

Attar Andrea, Mariotti Thomas, Salanié François,
CEIS Research Paper, 403, May 2017

Financial literacy and bank runs: an experimental analysis

Campioni Eloisa, Larocca Vittorio, Mirra Loredana, Panaccione Luca,
CEIS Research Paper, 402, July 2017