Indirect Savings from Public Procurement Centralization
Lotti Clarissa,
Spagnolo Giancarlo,
CEIS Research Paper,
February 2022
Who cares when Value (Mis)reporting May Be Found Out? An Acquiring-a-Company Experiment with Value Messages and Information Leaks
Di Cagno Daniela,
Güth Werner,
Lohse Tim,
Marazzi Francesca,
Spadoni Lorenzo,
CEIS Research Paper,
January 2022
Born to Run: Adaptive and Strategic Behavior in Experimental Bank-Run Games
Belotti Federico,
Campioni Eloisa,
Larocca Vittorio,
Marazzi Francesca,
Panaccione Luca,
Piano Mortari Andrea,
CEIS Research Paper,
December 2021
The Effect of Mandatory Non-financial Reporting on CSR (and Environmentally Sustainable) Investment: a Discontinuity Design Approach
Becchetti Leonardo,
Mancini Sara,
Solferino Nazaria,
CEIS Research Paper,
November 2021
On Some Problems of Using the Human Development Index in Economic History
Amendola Nicola,
Gabbuti Giacomo,
Vecchi Giovanni,
CEIS Research Paper,
November 2021
Banking Diversity, Financial Complexity and Resilience to Financial Shocks: Evidence From Italian Provinces
Pisicoli Beniamino,
CEIS Research Paper,
November 2021
Reduced Rank Regression Models in Economics and Finance
Cubadda Gianluca,
Hecq Alain,
CEIS Research Paper,
November 2021
Herding and Anti-Herding Across ESG Funds
D'Alò Ambrogio,
Ciciretti Rocco,
Ferri Giovanni,
CEIS Research Paper,
November 2021
Transparent Dealing instead of Insider Haggling - Experimentally Analyzing an Institutional Choice for Repeated Trade
Di Cagno Daniela,
Ferrari Lorenzo,
Güth Werner,
Larocca Vittorio,
CEIS Research Paper,
February 2023
Resilience, Social Capital, Active Citizenship and Subjective Wellbeing: the Contribution of Generativity
Becchetti Leonardo,
Conzo Gianluigi,
CEIS Research Paper,
November 2021
Institutions and Economic Development: New Measurements and Evidence
Acquah Esther,
Carbonari Lorenzo,
Farcomeni Alessio,
Trovato Giovanni,
CEIS Research Paper,
November 2021
The Transmission Mechanism of Quantitative Easing: A Markov-Switching FAVAR Approach
Corrado Luisa,
Grassi Stefano,
Minnella Enrico,
CEIS Research Paper,
October 2021
Keeping the Agents in the Dark: Private Disclosures in Competing Mechanisms
Attar Andrea,
Campioni Eloisa,
Mariotti Thomas,
Pavan Alessandro,
CEIS Research Paper,
October 2021
Modelling Cycles in Climate Series: the Fractional Sinusoidal Waveform Process
Proietti Tommaso ,
Maddanu Federico,
CEIS Research Paper,
October 2021
Identifying Economic Shocks in a Rare Disaster Environment
Corrado Luisa,
Grassi Stefano,
Paolillo Aldo,
CEIS Research Paper,
July 2024
Three Liquid Assets
Amendola Nicola,
Carbonari Lorenzo,
Ferraris Leo,
CEIS Research Paper,
October 2021
Efficient Nonparametric Estimation of Generalized Autocovariances
Luati Alessandra,
Papagni Francesca,
Proietti Tommaso ,
CEIS Research Paper,
October 2021
Partnership Dissolution with Cash-Constrained Agents
Pommey Guillaume,
CEIS Research Paper,
October 2021
Pro-environmental Attitudes, Local Environmental Conditions and Recycling Behavior
Corrado Luisa,
Fazio Andrea,
Pelloni Alessandra,
CEIS Research Paper,
November 2021
Pairs Trading In The Index Options Market
Brunetti Marianna,
De Luca Roberta,
CEIS Research Paper,
September 2021