The CEIS Research Papers Series collects research activities, both by researchers and affiliates of CEIS, and those distributed through the Social Science Research Network - SSRN. Over 8000 world-wide subscribers currently receive an alert every two weeks, which contains three new research papers. To receive this alert you may subscribe to SSRN, which started in February 2003.

ISSN 2610-931X [online]

Papers are available on SSRN and RePEc websites.

Direct and Indirect Cost of Diabetes in Italy: a Prevalence Probabilistic Approach

Marcellusi Andrea, Viti Raffaella, Mecozzi Alessandra, Mennini Francesco Saverio,
CEIS Research Paper, 321, August 2014

150 Years of Italian CO2 Emissions and Economic Growth

Annicchiarico Barbara, Bennato Anna Rita, Zanetti Chini Emilio,
CEIS Research Series, 320, July 2014

Exponential Smoothing, Long Memory and Volatility Prediction

Proietti Tommaso ,
CEIS Research Paper, 319, July 2014

How To Safeguard World Heritage Sites? A Theoretical Model of

Becchetti Leonardo, Solferino Nazaria, Tessitore M. Elisabetta,
CEIS Research Paper, 318, July 2014

Corruption in PPPs, Incentives and Contract Incompleteness

Iossa Elisabetta, Martimort David,
CEIS Research Paper, 317, July 2014

A Proof Without Words and a Maximum without Calculus

Campioni Eloisa, Panaccione Luca,
CEIS Research Paper, 316, August 2014

The causal effect of parents’ schooling on children’s schooling in Europe. A new IV approach

Havari Enkelejda, Savegnago Marco,
CEIS Research Paper, 315, May 2014

On Competitive Nonlinear Pricing

Attar Andrea, Mariotti Thomas, Salanié François,
CEIS Research Paper, 314, April 2014

The Cooperative Bank Difference Before and After the Global Financial Crisis

Becchetti Leonardo, Ciciretti Rocco, Paolantonio Adriana,
CEIS Research Paper, 313, November 2015

Business Fluctuations in Imperial Austria's Regions, 1867-1913: New Evidence

Ciccarelli Carlo, Missiaia Anna,
CEIS Research Paper, 312, April 2014

Fiscal devaluation scenarios: A quantitative assessment for the Italian economy

Annicchiarico Barbara, Di Dio Fabio, Felici Francesco,
CEIS Research Paper, 311, September 2014

Socially Responsible and Conventional Investment Funds: Performance Comparison and the Global Financial Crisis

Becchetti Leonardo, Ciciretti Rocco, D'Alò Ambrogio, Herzel Stefano,
CEIS Research Paper, 310, February 2014

The social rate of discount, climate change and real options

Scandizzo Pasquale Lucio,
CEIS Research Paper, 309, February 2014

Health Policy Model: Long-term Predictive Results Associated With The Management Of HCV-Induced Diseases In Italy

Mennini Francesco Saverio, Marcellusi Andrea, Andreoni Massimo, Gasbarrini Antonio, Salomone Salvatore, Craxì Antonio,
CEIS Research Paper, 308, February 2014

Net Neutrality with Competing Internet Platforms

Bourreau Marc, Kourandi Frago, Valletti Tommaso M.,
CEIS Research Paper, 307, February 2014

Information and belief elicitation effects on charitable giving: An artefactual field experiment

Becchetti Leonardo, Pelligra Vittorio,
CEIS Research Paper, 306, February 2014

Technical Change, Non-Tariff Trade Barriers and the Development of the Italian Locomotives Industry, 1850-1913

Ciccarelli Carlo, Nuvolari Alessandro,
CEIS Research Paper, 305, February 2014

Delegated Portfolio Management under Ambiguity Aversion

Fabretti Annalisa , Herzel Stefano, Pinar Mustafa C.,
CEIS Research Paper, 304, February 2014

Evaluating a Decade of Mobile Termination Rate Regulation

Genakos Christos , Valletti Tommaso M.,
CEIS Research Paper, 303, January 2014