The CEIS Research Papers Series collects research activities, both by researchers and affiliates of CEIS, and those distributed through the Social Science Research Network - SSRN. Over 8000 world-wide subscribers currently receive an alert every two weeks, which contains three new research papers. To receive this alert you may subscribe to SSRN, which started in February 2003.

ISSN 2610-931X [online]

Papers are available on SSRN and RePEc websites.

A Further Look at the Gender Gap in Italian Academic Careers

Brunetti Marianna, Fabretti Annalisa , Zoli Mariangela,
CEIS Research Paper, 570, December 2023

The Wind of Populism: Voter Turnout and Political Distance

Becchetti Leonardo, Conzo Gianluigi,
CEIS Research Paper, 569, December 2023

Funding Liquidity and Stocks’ Market Liquidity: Structural Estimation From High-Frequency Data

Aielli Gian Piero, Pirino Davide,
CEIS Research Paper, 568, November 2023

On The Nonlinearity of the Finance and Growth Relation: the Role of Human Capital

Bucci Alberto, Diallo Boubacar, Marsiglio Simone,
CEIS Research Paper, 567, November 2023

Distance Work and Life Satisfaction after the COVID-19 Pandemics

Becchetti Leonardo, Conzo Gianluigi, Pisani Fabio,
CEIS Research Paper, 566, November 2023

Information Campaigns and Migration Perceptions

Florio Erminia,
CEIS Research Paper, 564, July 2023

Is Self-Employment for Migrants? Evidence from Italy

Brunetti Marianna, Zaiceva Anzelika,
CEIS Research Paper, 563, July 2023

Italy in the Great Divergence: What Can We Learn from Engel’s Law?

Chilosi David, Ciccarelli Carlo,
CEIS Research Paper, 562, July 2023

Are Anti-Federalism and Republicanism the Way Forward for a United States of Europe? Lessons from American History

Hong Dandan, Pecchi Lorenzo, Piga Gustavo,
CEIS Research Paper, 561, July 2023

How Much Is Too Much? A Methodological Investigation Of The Literature On Alcohol Consumption

Castriota Stefano, Frumento Paolo, Suppressa Francesco,
CEIS Research Paper, 560, July 2023

Band-Pass Filtering with High-Dimensional Time Series

Giovannelli Alessandro, Lippi Marco, Proietti Tommaso ,
CEIS Research Paper, 559, June 2023

Deflation by Expenditure Components: A Harmless Adjustment?

Amendola Nicola, Mancini Giulia, Redaelli Silvia, Vecchi Giovanni,
CEIS Research Paper, 558, June 2023

Relational Skills and Corporate Productivity in a Comparative Size Class Perspective

Becchetti Leonardo, Mancini Sara, Solferino Nazaria,
CEIS Research Paper, 557, May 2023

The Vector Error Correction Index Model: Representation, Estimation and Identification

Cubadda Gianluca, Mazzali Marco,
CEIS Research Paper, 556, April 2023

Detecting Common Bubbles in Multivariate Mixed Causal-noncausal Models

Cubadda Gianluca, Hecq Alain, Voisin Elisa,
CEIS Research Paper, 555, February 2023

The Dirtier You Breathe, The Less Safe You Are. The Effect of Air Pollution on Work Accidents

Curci Gabriele, Depalo Domenico, Palma Alessandro,
CEIS Research Paper, 554, May 2023

Gains from Variety: Refugee-Host Interactions in Uganda

Mariani Rama Dasi, Rosati Furio Camillo, Scaramozzino Pasquale, d'Errico Marco,
CEIS Research Paper, 553, February 2023

A Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Trading Commodities

Giorgi Federico, Herzel Stefano, Pigato Paolo,
CEIS Research Paper, 552, February 2023

Debt and Financial Fragility: Italian Non-Financial Companies after the Pandemic

Fattouh Bassam, Scaramozzino Pasquale, Pisicoli Beniamino,
CEIS Research Paper, 551, February 2023