The CEIS Research Papers Series collects research activities, both by researchers and affiliates of CEIS, and those distributed through the Social Science Research Network - SSRN. Over 8000 world-wide subscribers currently receive an alert every two weeks, which contains three new research papers. To receive this alert you may subscribe to SSRN, which started in February 2003.

ISSN 2610-931X [online]

Papers are available on SSRN and RePEc websites.

Monitoring Bands and Monitoring Rules: how currency intervention can change market composition

Zhang Lei, Corrado Luisa, Miller Marcus H.,
CEIS Research Paper, 91, February 2007

Global Monetary Policy Shocks in the G5: a SVAR Approach

Zaghini Andrea, Sousa Joao Miguel,
CEIS Research Paper, 89, February 2007

Consumer driven market mechanisms to promote equity and inclusion

Becchetti Leonardo, Gianfreda Giuseppina,
CEIS Working Papers, 248, February 2007

Climate, Happiness and the Kyoto Protocol: Someone Does not Like it Hot

Castriota Stefano, Londono Bedoya David Andres, Becchetti Leonardo,
CEIS Working Papers, 247, January 2007

Bids for the UMTS system: An empirical evaluation of the Italian case

Scandizzo Pasquale Lucio, Ventura Marco,
CEIS Research Paper, 88, December 2006

Bringing Social Standards into Project Evaluation Under Dynamic Uncertainty

Scandizzo Pasquale Lucio, Knudsen Odin K.,
CEIS Research Paper, 87, December 2006

Economic Evaluation in the age of Uncertainty

Scandizzo Pasquale Lucio, Pennisi Giuseppe,
CEIS Research Paper, 86, December 2006

Education and Happiness: a Further Explanation to theEasterlin Paradox?

Castriota Stefano,
CEIS Working Papers, 246, December 2006

The Effects of Age and Job Protection on the Welfare Costs of Inflation and Unemployment: a Source of ECB anti-inflation bias?

Giuntella Osea, Becchetti Leonardo, Castriota Stefano,
CEIS Working Papers, 245, November 2006

The Migration and FDI Puzzle: Complements or Substitutes?

D'Agosto Elena, Tria Giovanni, Solferino Nazaria,
CEIS Research Paper, 76, October 2006

Parallel Trade, International Exhaustion and Intellectual Property Rights: A Welfare Analysis

Szymanski Stefan, Valletti Tommaso M.,
CEIS Research Paper, 75, October 2006

Piracy repression and “Proustian” effects in popular music markets

Becchetti Leonardo, Eleuteri Simone,
CEIS Working Papers, 243, October 2006

Microfinance with divisible investment projects

Pisani Fabio, Becchetti Leonardo,
CEIS Working Papers, 242, October 2006

The determinants of option adjusted delta credit spreads: A comparative analysis on US, UK and the Eurozone

Hasan Iftekhar, Becchetti Leonardo, Carpentieri Andrea,
CEIS Working Papers, 241, October 2006

Market Analysis in the Presence of Indirect Constraints and Captive Sales

Inderst Roman, Valletti Tommaso M.,
CEIS Research Paper, 74, September 2006

Do Labor Market Conditions Affect the Strictness of Employment Protection Legislation?

Saltari Enrico, Tilli Riccardo,
CEIS Working Papers, 240, September 2006