The CEIS Research Papers Series collects research activities, both by researchers and affiliates of CEIS, and those distributed through the Social Science Research Network - SSRN. Over 8000 world-wide subscribers currently receive an alert every two weeks, which contains three new research papers. To receive this alert you may subscribe to SSRN, which started in February 2003.

ISSN 2610-931X [online]

Papers are available on SSRN and RePEc websites.

The Value of Diplomacy: Bilateral Relations and Immigrant Well-Being

Becchetti Leonardo, Clark Andrew E., Giachin Ricca Elena,
CEIS Research Paper, 190, March 2011

Body weight of Italians: the weight of Education

Atella Vincenzo, KOPINSKA JOANNA,
CEIS Research Paper, 189, March 2011

Experiments with the Traveler's Dilemma: Welfare, Strategic Choice and Implicit Collusion

Becchetti Leonardo, Basu Kaushik, Stanca Luca,
CEIS Research paper, 188, March 2011

Endogenous Growth, Monetary Shocks and Nominal Rigidities

Annicchiarico Barbara, Pelloni Alessandra, Rossi Lorenza,
CEIS Research Paper, 187, March 2011

An Alternative Solution to the Autoregressivity Paradox in Time Series Analysis

Cubadda Gianluca, Triacca Umberto,
CEIS Research Paper, 184, January 2011

Don’t spread yourself too thin. The impact of task juggling on workers’ speed of job completion

Coviello Decio, Ichino Andrea, Persico Nicola,
CEIS Research Paper, 185, January 2011

Drug therapy adherence and health outcomes in presence of physician and patient unobserved heterogeneity

Atella Vincenzo, Belotti Federico, Depalo Domenico,
CEIS Research Paper, 186, June 2017

Household Portfolio Choices, Health status and Health Care Systems A Cross-Country Analysis Based on SHARE

Atella Vincenzo, Brunetti Marianna, Maestas Nicole,
CEIS Research Paper, 183, January 2011

Immigration, integration and terrorism: is there a clash of cultures?

Fischer Justina A.V.,
CEIS Research Paper, 182, January 2011

Information Sharing and Cross-border Entry in European Banking

Giannetti Caterina, Jentzsch Nicola, Spagnolo Giancarlo,
CEIS Research Paper, 178, December 2010

Tenure in Office and Public Procurement

Coviello Decio, Gagliarducci Stefano,
CEIS Research Paper, 179, December 2010

The Role of Publicity Requirements on Entry and Auctions Outcomes

Coviello Decio, Mariniello Mario,
CEIS Research Paper, 180, December 2010

Immigrant Over- and Under-education: The Role of Home Country Labour Market Experience

Piracha Matloob, Tani Massimiliano, Vadean Florin,
CEIS Research Paper, 175, December 2010

A Medium-N Approach to Macroeconomic Forecasting

Cubadda Gianluca, Guardabascio Barbara,
CEIS Research Paper, 176, December 2010

Market Structure, Countervailing Power and Price Discrimination: The Case of Airports

Haskel Jonathan, Iozzi Alberto, Valletti Tommaso M.,
CEIS Research Paper, 177, December 2010

Entrepreneurship and Market Size. The Case of Young College Graduates in Italy

Di Addario Sabrina, Vuri Daniela,
CEIS Research Paper, 171, November 2010

Science and Technology in World Agriculture: Narratives and Discourses

Scandizzo Pasquale Lucio,
CEIS Research Paper, 172, November 2010

Inequality and happiness: When perceived social mobility and economic reality do not match

Bjørnskov Christian, Dreher Axel, Fischer Justina A.V., Schnellenbach Jan,
CEIS Research Paper, 173, November 2010

Country-Specific Risk Premium, Taylor Rules, and Exchange Rates

Annicchiarico Barbara, Piergallini Alessandro,
CEIS Research Paper, 174, November 2010