Are Perceptions of Corruption Matching Reality? Theory and Evidence from Microdata
Corrado GermanaCorrado LuisaDe Michele GiuseppeSalustri Francesco
CEIS Research Paper
Some criticism has been raised on the actual capability of corruption perception-based
indices to gauge the essence of concepts they aim to measure. One can argue that perceptions
about corruption are not matching reality and could be the reection of distorted truth.
Based on this evidence we provide a theoretical ground for the corruption decision-making
process (objective corruption) and the corruption perception-making process (subjective
corruption) which accounts for the role of media attention. From the theoretical model
we are able to derive testable implications for the empirical analysis, i.e. whether socio and
cultural norms can explain the gap between the two measures of corruption across Europe.
We employ a generalised setting of the structural equation models to build latent indices of
objective and subjective corruption from our microdata exploiting the information on various
economic, geographic and socio-demographic factors that can a¤ect the perception and the
experience of corruption practices. The resulting indices allow us to de
ne country rankings
for both types of corruption and draw a geopolitical picture of the phenomenon across Europe.
We also show that countries where the quality of media is higher are associated with lower
di¤erences between perceived and real corruption.
Number: 420
Keywords: Perceived and experienced corruption, Latent variables, Latent multi- dimensional index, Multiple indicators multiple causes models, Generalized SEM MIMIC.
JEL codes: C43, C83, D73, H11, R50.
Volume: 15
Issue: 9
Date: Thursday, December 14, 2017
Revision Date: Thursday, December 14, 2017