Immigrants supply of personal services, female labour supply

and household behaviour in the hosting economy


Rome, June 15th 2021

A large number of migrants provide personal services that substitute or complement household members’ time in domestic production. The increased availability of these services is likely to affect several dimensions of natives’ life, from labour supply, fertility and human capital accumulation to the health and longevity of the elderly. The potential economic impact of these possible effects is easy to grasp, ranging from population growth to the reform of the health system. Surprisingly, relatively little attention has been paid to these issues by researchers at times in which the fertility “crisis”, the reduction in human capital accumulation in the aftermath of Covid and the need to reassess the approach to the care for the elderly are high in the social and political agenda.
The workshop aims at bringing together academics, data scientists and field researchers to discuss the implication of the supply of personal services by migrants and the consequences of the reduction of migrations flows that are foreseeable in the near future.


16:00            Introductory remarks
                      Gian Carlo Blangiardo | President of ISTAT 

                      “Supply of personal services: implications for household behaviour and welfare”
                      Furio C. Rosati, Rama D. Mariani | ICID, CEIS Tor Vergata University of Rome

                      “The impact of immigration on local public revenues and expenditures in the United States."
                      Anna Maria Mayda | Georgetown University

17:15             Round Table
                      Chair: Furio C. Rosati | ICID, CEIS Tor Vergata University of Rome

                      Gian Carlo Blangiardo | President of ISTAT
                      Anna Maria Mayda | Georgetown University
                      Assunta Rosa| Italian Ministry for the Interior
                      Tatiana Esposito | Italian Ministry for Labour and Social Policies
                      Leonardo Palombi | Tor Vergata University of Rome, Secretary of Commissione Riforma Assistenza Anziani
                      and Italian Ministry of Health
                      Laura Zanfrini | ISMU Economic and Labour Department

18:15             Closing Remarks


Participation to the Workshop is free, but online registration is welcome.

The conference will be held in streaming on Microsoft Teams platform; registered participants will be provided with the link to login before the workshop. Any Information at:

The conference will be held in streaming on Microsoft Teams platform

Registered participants will be provided with the link to login before the workshop.

Any Information at:
